Although it is not a specific imitation of a particular aquatic insect, its' highly suggestive coloration and its overall bugginess has made it one of the top dry flies since Leonard Halladay tied the original Adams in the 1920's. There are dozens if not hundreds of Adams variations out there, but the High Visibility Parachute Adams is one of the best for matching general hatches or for prospecting.
The Hi Visibility Parachute Adams is also an excellent lake and still water fly pattern, especially for those dusk and twilight rises.
HOOK SIZES: 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
HOOK OPTIONS: Mustad R50, Tiemco 100, Tiemco 100BL, Daiichi 1180
THREAD: Gray 6/0 or 8/0
WING: Fluorescent colors of Poly Para wing material tied parachute style
TAIL: grizzly and brown mixed hackle fibers. (Variation: Moose body hair stacked)
BODY: Gray muskrat belly fur dubbing or Adams Gray Superfine dubbing
HACKLE: Brown and grizzly dry fly hackle mixed tied parachute style
HEAD FINISH: Water based head cement
Fly Tying Patterns - The Parachute High Viz Adams Dry Fly

Over the past century the Adams Dry Fly has earned a preeminent place in fly fishing history. The High Visibility Parachute version of the Adams Dry Fly is an extremely productive variation of the Adams parachute pattern. Tied in the parachute dry fly style, the Hi-Viz Adams Parachute rides realistically low on the water, yet the brightly colored post wing is highly visible to the angler. We like to tie ours with a hot pink wing, which seems to show up at twilight best for us, but hot orange and yellow are also popular.